Volume 60, Number 3 (2024)
Original Research Reports
The Neurogenic Effects of Pasak bumi (Eurycoma longifolia Jack) and Seluang Fish (Rasbora spp.) in Malnutrition-Induced Rat
Didik Dwi Sanyoto, Triawanti, Meitria Syahadatina Noor, and Dimas Ikhsan Airlangga
Effect of L-Citrulline on Creatine Kinase MM (CK-MM) Isoenzymes in Mice: An In Vivo Study Focusing on Immunohistochemistry Analysis
Dhoni Akbar Ghozali, Annisa Aghnia Rahma, Shafira Nur Hanifa, and Muhana Fawwazy Ilyas
Semen Analysis of Covid-19 Survivors and Uninfected Men: Examining the Motility, Concentration, Vitality, and Morphology Parameters of Spermatozoa
Sri Musta'ina, Eko Budi Siswidiyanto, Pety Narulita, Agustinus, Aucky Hinting, Atika, and Zakiyatul Faizah
Sexual Abuse and Neglect during Childhood are Associated with an Increased Prevalence of Mental Health Problems among University Students in Surakarta, Indonesia
Ni Putu Dian Apriandary, Muthmainah, Rohmaningtyas Hidayah Setyaningrum, and Debree Septiawan
Bacterial Profiles and Antibiotic Resistance in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients with Exacerbation and Type 2 Respiratory Failure at Adam Malik General Hospital
Lia Mutia Annisa, Fajrinur Syarani, Andika Pradana, and Erna Mutiara
Analysis of Risk Factors Associated with the Incidence of Placenta Accreta at an Indonesian Tertiary Hospital
Aisha Grayli Cahyani, Willy Sandhika, and Gatut Hardianto
Total Plate Count Analysis and Food-Contaminating Bacterial Identification of Smoked Tatihu (Thunnus albacares) Sold in Several Traditional Markets in Ambon, Indonesia
Evangelista Risalia Haurissa, Melda Yunita, and Sulfiana Sulfiana
Antibacterial Potential of Endemic Medicinal Plants of the Maluku Islands, Indonesia, against Urinary Tract Infection Pathogens
Eka Astuty, Vinsa Delia Luhulima, and Stefanus Cahyo Ariwicaksono
Larvicidal Effect of Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) Flower Extract Against Aedes aegypti
Ni Wayan Winianti, Putu Indah Budi Apsari, and Ni Kadek Meta Jayanti
Rehabilitation Impact of Vivifrail Exercise Program Type C on the Cognitive Function of Pre-Frail Elderly People in the Community
Sri Soenarti, Dwi Indriani Lestari, Muhammad Barlian Nugroho, and Harien Lestari