Folia Medica Indonesiana publishes original articles in basic and clinical medicine. Articles can be classified as original research reports, systematic review & meta-analysis, systematic review, scoping review and case series & scoping review. Submitted manuscripts are considered for publication with the condition that they have not been published or being submitted for publication elsewhere. The manuscript must be written in American-English with proper grammar. The use of grammar-checker applications is mandatory for any non-native authors. The manuscript should be written by the structure as in the Document Template. The Document Template includes cover letter, checklist, and manuscript templates. Author must also fill the Author's Declaration & CTA form that the manuscript does not contain fabricated, falsified, and plagiarized text and/ or data, that the manuscript has never been published before and is not under consideration for publication by another party, and that all authors have agreed on the final form of the manuscript. All authors involved in making the manuscript must agree to the statement sheet outlined by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).
The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit all articles in aspects of style, format, and clarity. Authors may be required to revise their manuscripts for reasons of any aspect. Manuscript with excessive errors in any aspects may be returned to the author for revising or may be rejected. All manuscripts will be subjected to editorial review prior to a double-blind peer-review by at least two independent reviewers. The author(s) cannot withdraw any submitted manuscript that has been sent to the peer reviewers.
All types of manuscript must consist of:
Article Structure
a. TitleTitle, must be concise, specific, and informative. The title must consist of no more than 30 words, written on the top line with bold Times New Roman font size 11, uppercase, and left-margin.
b. Running titleShort running title (running head) with 8 words as maximum.
c. Authors' names and affiliationsSupply given names, middle initials, and family names for complete identification. They should be typed in Times New Roman 9 point, non-italic, and boldface. Use superscript lowercase letters to indicate different affiliations, which should be as detailed as possible and must include department, faculty/college, University, the city, and country. The primary affiliation for each author should be the institution where most of their work was done. If an author has subsequently moved, the current address may additionally be stated. Addresses will not be updated after the publication of the article. At least one of the authors must provide their ORCID ID, and a link to the ORCID ID logo should be embedded after their name in the author list.
d. AbstractThe abstract should be self-contained, citation-free, and should not exceed 300 words. The abstract should briefly describe the purpose of the study, how the investigation was performed, the most important results, and the principal conclusions that were drawn from the results, respectively. Nonstandard or uncommon abbreviations should be defined at first mention within the abstract. The abstract should be typed in Times New Roman, 9-point, non-italic and non-boldface. Further details can be found in Document Template.
e. KeywordsAuthors are asked to provide (3 to 5) keywords, written below the abstract as seen in the template, in English, started with a capital letter (sentence case), separated with semicolon, and without an ending point. The keywords must contain at least one keyword of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Authors shall use terms present in Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) as the keywords.
f. Corresponding authorShould be indicated with an asterisk, and contact details (e-mail address) below the affiliation of all authors.
g. HighlightsHighlights of the manuscript should consist of a minimum of two key points representing the novel contributions of the study. They must not be the copy-paste and repetition of sentences of other manuscript parts. The highlights should be written using numbers before the introduction under the subheading "Highlights”. Further details can be found in Document Template.
h. IntroductionThis section must be concise and devoid of subheadings. The author(s) must elucidate the importance of the work and the rationale for its publication. All background discourse should be concise and limited to relevant information.
i. Materials and MethodsThe manuscript's materials and methods should provide a detailed explanation of the research design, settings, time frame, variables, population, samples, sampling methods, instruments, data analyses, and ethical clearance. This section may be divided into subsections if multiple methods are used. Authors should aim to describe experimental methods concisely. The experimental section must include all essential details to ensure reproducibility. References should be provided for previously published methods, with only pertinent modifications explained. Vendor details—such as company name, city, and country—must be included for all chemicals, reagents, strains, and similar materials. For statistical analyses, please specify the tests used, along with an assumed p-value or significance level (e.g., 0.05).
j. Results & Discussion"The results of the study need to be presented clearly and concisely. Use tables and figures only for data that are crucial to conveying the study’s main message and interpretation. Structure the results in a logical flow across text, tables, and illustrations.
The discussion should delve into the importance of the results, avoiding repetition, and should cover the implications and limitations of the findings. Additionally, the discussion should consider how these findings relate to other relevant studies and suggest potential avenues for future research. Do not copy-paste any part of certain section of your full text into another.
k. Strength and limitationsStrength and limitations, the authors should describe the strength of the study that may include the findings, the novelty of the topic and methodology, and the contribution of the study. In addition, the limitations of the study should also be described that may include the lack of access to information or resources, the limited time of the study, and the size of the population. Suggestions for further studies can also be included in this part.
i. Conclusion Summarize the study’s main conclusions in a brief statement that underscores its objectives and significance. Introduce new hypotheses if relevant, and provide recommendations when applicable. Do not copy-paste your materials and methods or results here.
m. AcknowledgmentIn this section, you may recognize any assistance received that isn’t addressed in the author contributions or funding sections. This could involve administrative and technical support or in-kind contributions, such as materials used in experiments.
n. Conflict of Interest Authors must disclose any personal circumstances or interests that could be seen as affecting the representation or interpretation of the research findings. If no conflicts exist, include the statement, "None." Additionally, any influence by funding sponsors on the research project selection, study design, data collection, analysis, interpretation, manuscript preparation, or publication decision should be disclosed in this section. Projects funded by industry should particularly ensure a complete declaration of sponsor involvement. If there was no sponsor role, state, “The sponsors had no role in the design, execution, interpretation, or writing of the study.
o. ReferencesReferences should be numbered consecutively in the order they appear in the text, according to Hardvard style. References should use the most updated and relevant references from the last 10 years of the submission date. Use the original article as much as possible. References are advisably not to exceed 30 in number but not less than 25. Reference management software, such as Mendeley®, Zotero®, and EndNote®, should be used to write citations and references. All words in Latin must be written in italics. The use of abbreviations is generally agreed upon, and an extension must be given in the first mention of the abbreviation. Decimal numbers are marked with points (.). Further details can be found in Document Template.
p. FiguresFigures (including graphs, diagrams, charts, drawings, and photographs) should be cited in ascending Arabic numerals according to their first appearance in the manuscript. They should be submitted in JPEG format minimal of 300 dpi resolution, unless the resolution is intentionally set to a lower level for scientific reasons, and should not be submitted in separate files. Each figure should be labeled with Arabic numerals in order, followed by a brief descriptive title, and the title of each figure should be written center-aligned at the bottom of the figure, in normal Times New Roman, 9 point. Further details can be found in Document Template.
q. TablesTables should be cited in ascending Arabic numerals according to their first appearance in the manuscript. Every table must have a descriptive title and if numerical measurements are given, the units should be included in the column heading. Vertical rules should not be used. Each table should be labeled with Arabic numerals in order, followed by a brief descriptive title, centered above the table. Tables should not be submitted in separate files. A total number of tables and figures should be limited, advisably no more than five, and the title of each table should be written center-aligned at the top of the table, in normal Times New Roman, 9 point. Text within tables should be written in 1 space, normal Times New Roman font 8-9 point. Further details can be found in Document Template.
r. Funding disclosureFunding disclosure should state how the research was funded, including grant numbers if applicable. Write down the institution, city, and country. If there are no fundings received, please state "None.” Funding disclosure should be typed in Times New Roman, size 10 point.
s. Nomenclature & UnitsAll measurements and data should be presented in SI units where applicable, or in other internationally recognized units in parentheses within the text. Illustrations and tables should use conventional units, with conversion factors provided in the legends or footnotes.
Statement & Declarations
a. FundingFunding disclosure should state how the research was funded, including grant numbers if applicable. Write down the institution, city, and country. If there are no fundings received, please state "None.”
b. Competing InterestAuthors must disclose any financial or non-financial interests directly or indirectly connected to the submitted work. Interests from the past three years prior to starting the research and manuscript preparation should be reported. Any interests outside this period should also be disclosed if they might reasonably be viewed as influencing the work.
c. Author contributionContributors must provide a delineation of their respective contributions to the manuscript. The description must be categorized into the following sections, i.e. conception and design, analysis and interpretation of the data, drafting of the article, critical revision of the article for important intellectual content, final approval of the article, provision of study materials or patients, statistical expertise, obtaining of funding, administrative, technical, or logistic supports, collection and assembly of data.
The authors' contributions will be published alongside the paper. One or more authors must assume responsibility for the integrity of the entire work from genesis to publication and should be labeled as 'guarantors. Further explanation can be found in the *CTA* form.
d. Data AvailabilityAuthors may provide a data availability statement, including a link to the repository they have used, in order that this statement can be published in their paper. Shared data should be cited. All accepted manuscripts may elect to publish a data availability statement to confirm the presence or absence of shared data. The author(s) use their own draft of data availability statement and e-mail it to Folia Medica Indonesiana. For authors who have shared data: this statement will describe how the data can be accessed, and include a persistent identifier (e.g., a DOI for the data, or an accession number) from the repository where you shared the data.
e. Ethics ApprovalResearchers conducting studies involving human or animal subjects must include a statement confirming approval (or exemption) from the relevant institutional and/or national research ethics committee, specifying the committee’s name and reference number if available. For studies involving animals, their data, or biological material, authors should provide detailed information regarding ethical treatment within their submission. If ethics approval was not required or an exemption was granted, this should be clearly explained in the manuscript.
f. Consent to ParticipateFor any research involving human subjects, informed consent must be freely obtained from participants (or their parent or legal guardian for children under 16), and this must be stated in the manuscript. Further information can be found in the CTA form.
Example statements:
“Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants involved in the study.”
“Written informed consent was secured from the parents.” "
g. Consent to Publish"Individuals may agree to participate in a study but may object to having their data published in a journal article. If your manuscript includes any individual data in any form (such as personal details, images, or videos), you must obtain consent for publication from that individual, or from their parent or legal guardian in the case of children. This is especially relevant for case studies. The manuscript should include a statement confirming that consent to publish has been obtained from all participants and the author(s) must submit a completed Patient Consent for Publication form.
Example statement:
“The authors confirm that human research participants provided informed consent for the publication of the images in Figure(s) 1a, 1b, and 1c.”"
h. Institutional ReviewIn this section, please include the Institutional Review Board statement and approval number for studies involving humans or animals. Be aware that the Editorial Team may request additional information. You should add one of the following statements: “The study was conducted in accordance with the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Institutional Review Board (or Ethics Committee) of NAME OF INSTITUTE (protocol code XXX and date of approval).” OR “Ethical review and approval were waived for this study due to REASON (please provide a detailed justification).” OR “Not applicable” for studies that do not involve humans or animals. You may also choose to omit this statement if the study did not include humans or animals.
Supplementary Materials
Provide a description of any supplementary materials that are published online in conjunction with the manuscript (Cover Letter, checklist, and Author's Declaration & CTA) and Patient Consent for Publication form accordingly.
Before Submission
Submitted manuscripts are considered for publication with the condition that they have not been published or being submitted for publication elsewhere. The submitting author ensures all the other co-authors approve the article’s publication. The submitting author is also accountable for obtaining all requisite institutional approvals for the article. Unless stated otherwise, additional correspondence and proofs will be provided to the author(s) before publication. By submitting, authors agree to allow editing of the manuscript for clarity. Any questions regarding the publication of accepted manuscripts should be directed to email:
Online Submission
Manuscripts must be submitted by one of the authors using the online Manuscript Tracking System (MTS), following the on-screen instructions. Only Word files (.doc, .docx, .rtf) are accepted via the MTS, and there is no limit on page count. Submissions from anyone other than an author will not be accepted. The author submitting the manuscript is responsible for it throughout the submission and peer review process. If technical issues prevent submission through the MTS, the author may contact for assistance.
Initial Evaluation
All submitted manuscripts undergo an initial review by the Editorial Board to ensure proper formatting and compliance with the journal’s ethical guidelines. Each manuscript is screened for potential plagiarism using Turnitin software. Manuscripts that do not adhere to the journal's ethical standards or quality requirements will be declined prior to peer review. Manuscripts that are incomplete or do not follow the recommended format will be returned to authors without scientific evaluation. Following these checks, the Editorial Board consults the Editor-in-Chief to assess the manuscript’s relevance to the journal’s scope and its scientific integrity. Manuscripts lacking sufficient publication priority will be promptly rejected. Authors are advised to write in clear English . The Editor retains the right to reject manuscripts for poor language quality, with all rejection decisions at this stage verified by the Editor-in-Chief.
Peer Review
All manuscripts are subjected to peer-review and are expected to meet the standards of academic excellence. If approved by the Editorial Board, submissions will be considered by peer-reviewers, whose identities will remain anonymous to the authors and vice versa (double-blind peer-review). The decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of a manuscript is the responsibility of the Editorial Board and is based on the recommendations of the reviewers (peer-reviewed process). Our Editorial Board will occasionally seek advice outside standard peer-review, for example, on submissions with serious ethical, security, biosecurity, or societal implications. We may consult experts and the external academic reviewer(s) before deciding on appropriate actions, including but not limited to recruiting reviewers with specific expertise, assessment by the Editorial Board and declining to further consider a submission.
Revised Manuscripts
Authors are required to submit the revised version of their manuscripts within one month of receiving the editorial decision. Revising the manuscript does not guarantee acceptance for publication, as the amended submissions may be sent out for further evaluation. In addressing reviewers’ comments, authors must ensure that each comment is accompanied by their revision and/or response. If the author(s) disagree with a reviewer’s comment or suggestion, a justification for this disagreement should be provided and submitted as separated response file together with revised version of the manuscript. Any changes made to the manuscript should be highlighted in the revised version to aid in the re-evaluation process.
A single set of page proofs (in PDF format) will be emailed to the corresponding author. Please use this proof exclusively to verify the typesetting, editing, completeness, and accuracy of the text, tables, and figures. We will strive to publish your article promptly and accurately. Therefore, it is essential that all corrections be returned in a single communication within 24-48 hours. Proofreading is entirely your responsibility. Be aware that the publisher may proceed with publication if no response is received.
After Acceptance
Once the manuscript is layouted and proofread, it will be sent to production for typesetting. After the typesetting process is finished, the author(s) will receive the proofs.
Manuscript Types and Organizations
1. Original Research Report
Original research reports a substantial body of laboratory or clinical work, presenting the outcome of a large trial, case control, observational or retrospective study. The authors must confirm in the manuscript that they have ethical clearance for the conduct of the reported research. The procedure in the research should be in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. The ethical clearance should be submitted along with the manuscript. The manuscript should be approximately 3500 words.
Total number of tables and figures are limited, advisably not more than five, and references are minimally 20 from the last 10 years before the date of submission. The text consists of Abstract, Highlights, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Strength and limitations, Conclusion, Acknowledgment, Conflict of Interest, Ethical Consideration, Funding Disclosure, Author Contribution, and References. The template can be downloaded here.
2. Case Series with Scoping Review Discussion
Case series with scoping review highlights important innovations with wide applicability or previously unpublished complications of new techniques or medications. The reported case(s) should adhere to the CARE checklist and are discussed with the result of a scoping review which comply to the PRISMA-ScR. The authors must confirm in the manuscript that they have obtained written permission of those whose case is being presented. The manuscript should be approximately 3500 words. The text consists of Abstract, Highlights, Introduction, Case Series, Scoping Review, Discussion, Strength and limitations, Conclusion, Acknowledgment, Conflict of Interest, Funding Disclosure, Author Contribution, and References.
3. Systematic Review & Meta Analysis
Systematic Review involves a detailed and comprehensive plan and search strategy derived a priori, to reduce bias by identifying, appraising, and synthesizing all relevant studies on a particular topic. Meta-analysis is a statistical analysis combining the results of multiple scientific studies, analyzing multiple scientific studies addressing the same question, with each individual study reporting measurements that are expected to have some degree of error. Folia Medica Indonesiana publishes high-quality systematic review products including systematic review protocols, systematic reviews related to a very broad definition of medicine (basic and clinical), rapid reviews, updates of completed systematic reviews, and research methods related to the science of systematic reviews, such as decision modelling. Appropriate methodology should be followed, such as CASP, GRADE CERQual, PRISMA, PRISMA-ScR, and PROSPERO, the online international register for systematic reviews. The manuscript should be approximately 3500 words. Total number of tables and figures are limited, advisably not more than five, and references are minimally 20 from the last 10 years before the date of submission. The text consists of Abstract, Highlights, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Strength and limitations, Conclusion, Acknowledgment, Conflict of Interest, Funding Disclosure, Author Contribution, and References.
References are advisably not to exceed 35 in number but not less than 20, and should in general be limited to the last 10 years from the submission date. Avoid using abstracts as references. Information from manuscripts submitted but not yet accepted should be cited in the text as "unpublished observations” with written permission from the source. Papers accepted but not yet published may be included as references; designate the journal and add "Forthcoming”. Avoid citing "personal communication” unless it provides essential information not available publicly, name the person and date of communication, and obtain written permission and confirmation of accuracy from the source of personal communication. Authors are recommended to use reference management software, in writing the citations and references such as Mendeley®, Zotero®, EndNote®, and Reference Manager®.
Here are some examples of the references:
1. Journal
Up to three authors, list all the authors.
- Halpern SD, Ubel PA, Caplan AL (2002). Solid-organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients. N Engl J Med 347, 284-287 (doi: .............)
More than three authors, list the first three authors, followed by et al.
- Rose ME, Huerbin MB, Melick J, et al (2002). Regulation of interstitial excitatory amino acid concentrations after cortical contusion injury. Brain Res 935, 40-46 (doi: .............)
2. Book
Two to three authors, list all the authors.
- Sambrook J, Russerl DW (2001). Molecular cloning: A laboratory manual. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, New York.
More than three authors, list the first three authors, followed by et al.
- Reece JB, Lisa AU, Peter VM, et al (2010). Campbell biology. Pearson, London.
Chapter in a book
Meltzer PS, Kallioniemi A, Trent JM (2002). Chromosome alterations in human solid tumors. In: Vogelstein B, Kinzler KW (eds). The genetic basis of human cancer, New York, McGraw-Hill, p 93-113.
Electronic book/E-book
Chapter from an electronic book
- Darwin C. On the origin of species by means of natural selection or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life [Internet]. London: John Murray; 1859. Chapter 5, Laws of variation. [cited 2010 Apr 22]. Available from: http://www.talkorigins. org/faqs/origin/ chapter5.html.
Full-text electronic book
- Macdonald S. editor. Maye's midwifery 14th ed. [eBook]. Edinburgh: Bailliere Tindall; 2011 [cited 2012 Aug 26]. Available from: Ebrary.
3. Proceeding
Proceeding book
Offline proceeding
- Kimura J, Shibasaki H, editors. Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology; 1995 Oct 15"19; Kyoto, Japan. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1996.
Online proceeding
- Muller S, editor. Proceedings of the 10th international conference on head-driven phrase structure grammar [Internet]; 2003 Jul 18-20; East Lansing (MI). Stanford (CA): CSLI Publications; 2003 [cited 2017 Nov 16]. Available from: cslipublicationsSta/cslipublications/HPSG/2003/toc.shtml.
4. Theses/Dissertation
Offline theses/dissertation
- Kay JG. Intracellular cytokine trafficking and phagocytosis in macrophages [dissertation]. St Lucia, Qld: University of Queensland; 2007
Online theses/dissertation
- Pahl KM. Preventing anxiety and promoting social and emotional strength in early childhood: an investigation of risk factors [dissertation on the Internet]. St Lucia, Qld: University of Queensland; 2009 [cited 2017 Nov 22]. Available from:
5. Homepage/Website (2002). New York: Association of Cancer Online Resources, Inc.; c2000-01. [updated 2002 May 16]. Available from Accessed July 9, 2002.
All submitted manuscripts undergo an initial review by the Editorial Board to ensure proper formatting and compliance with the journal’s ethical guidelines. Each manuscript is screened for potential plagiarism using Turnitin software. Manuscripts that do not adhere to the journal's ethical standards or quality requirements will be declined prior to peer review. Manuscripts that are incomplete or do not follow the recommended format will be returned to authors without scientific evaluation. Following these checks, the Editorial Board consults the Editor-in-Chief to assess the manuscript’s relevance to the journal’s scope and its scientific integrity. Manuscripts lacking sufficient publication priority will be promptly rejected. Authors are advised to write in clear English . The Editor retains the right to reject manuscripts for poor language quality, with all rejection decisions at this stage verified by the Editor-in-Chief.
In this section, please include the Institutional Review Board statement and approval number for studies involving humans or animals. Be aware that the Editorial Team may request additional information. You should add one of the following statements: “The study was conducted in accordance with the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Institutional Review Board (or Ethics Committee) of NAME OF INSTITUTE (protocol code XXX and date of approval).” OR “Ethical review and approval were waived for this study due to REASON (please provide a detailed justification).” OR “Not applicable” for studies that do not involve humans or animals. You may also choose to omit this statement if the study did not include humans or animals.
Submitted manuscripts are considered for publication with the condition that they have not been published or being submitted for publication elsewhere. The submitting author ensures all the other co-authors approve the article’s publication. The submitting author is also accountable for obtaining all requisite institutional approvals for the article. Unless stated otherwise, additional correspondence and proofs will be provided to the author(s) before publication. By submitting, authors agree to allow editing of the manuscript for clarity. Any questions regarding the publication of accepted manuscripts should be directed to email:
All measurements and data should be presented in SI units where applicable, or in other internationally recognized units in parentheses within the text. Illustrations and tables should use conventional units, with conversion factors provided in the legends or footnotes.
Authors may provide a data availability statement, including a link to the repository they have used, in order that this statement can be published in their paper. Shared data should be cited. All accepted manuscripts may elect to publish a data availability statement to confirm the presence or absence of shared data. The author(s) use their own draft of data availability statement and e-mail it to Folia Medica Indonesiana. For authors who have shared data: this statement will describe how the data can be accessed, and include a persistent identifier (e.g., a DOI for the data, or an accession number) from the repository where you shared the data.
Authors are required to submit the revised version of their manuscripts within one month of receiving the editorial decision. Revising the manuscript does not guarantee acceptance for publication, as the amended submissions may be sent out for further evaluation. In addressing reviewers’ comments, authors must ensure that each comment is accompanied by their revision and/or response. If the author(s) disagree with a reviewer’s comment or suggestion, a justification for this disagreement should be provided and submitted as separated response file together with revised version of the manuscript. Any changes made to the manuscript should be highlighted in the revised version to aid in the re-evaluation process.
Once the manuscript is layouted and proofread, it will be sent to production for typesetting. After the typesetting process is finished, the author(s) will receive the proofs.
A single set of page proofs (in PDF format) will be emailed to the corresponding author. Please use this proof exclusively to verify the typesetting, editing, completeness, and accuracy of the text, tables, and figures. We will strive to publish your article promptly and accurately. Therefore, it is essential that all corrections be returned in a single communication within 24-48 hours. Proofreading is entirely your responsibility. Be aware that the publisher may proceed with publication if no response is received.